亚洲临床催眠大会ACCH · 组织机构Organizing Members
方 新Xin FANG
北京大学心理咨询与治疗中心主任,从业35年,北京大学心理学系本硕毕业,曾作为北京大学、海德堡大学联合培养博士生赴德留学,在德获得心理创伤治疗和催眠治疗证书。Director of the Psychological Counseling and Therapy Center at Peking University, with 35 years of professional experience. Graduated with a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Psychology from Peking University and was a joint Ph.D. student between Peking University and Heidelberg University, studying in Germany where he obtained certificates in trauma therapy and hypnosis therapy.
国际催眠学会(ISH)前任常务理事、国家会员代表;亚洲催眠学会(ASH)副主席、候任主席;国际员工帮助专业协会(EAPA)中国初始会员;德中心理治疗研究院中方副主席。Former Executive Director and National Member Representative of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH); Vice President and Incoming President of the Asian Society of Hypnosis (ASH); Founding Member of the Employee Assistance Professional Association (EAPA) in China; Vice Chairman of the Sino-German Academy for Psychotherapy;
中国心理卫生协会心理咨询师专委会前任副主任委员、CBT()专委会副主任委员,心理治疗与心理咨询专委会常务、催眠学组创建组长,首批认证督导师。Former Deputy Director of the Psychological Counselor Committee of the Chinese Association of Mental Health, Deputy Director of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Committee, Executive Member of the Psychotherapy and Psychological Counseling Committee, Founder and Leader of the Hypnosis Group, and one of the first certified supervisors;
中国心理学会注册系统委员会五届的委员、首批注册督导师、伴侣与婚姻咨询学组创建组长、EAP专委会委员。Member of the Registration System Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society for five terms, one of the first registered supervisors, Founder and Leader of the Couple and Marriage Counseling Group, and a member of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Committee;
国家卫健委、教育部、公安部、外交部以及北京市公安局、北京市卫健委、中央和国家机关职工心理服务中心等心理健康相关专委会成员。Member of various psychological health committees related to the National Health Commission, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing Municipal Health Commission, and the Psychological Service Center for Central and State Organs Staff;
2017年和2020年作为大会主席举办了首届和第二届【中国临床催眠大会暨国际临床催眠高峰论坛】,成立中国的艾利克森临床催眠研究院并担任院长;2021年作为大会执行主席举办了首届【中国伴侣与家庭精神分析大会】。Served as the Conference Chairman for the first and second editions of the "China Clinical Hypnosis Conference and International Clinical Hypnosis Summit" in 2017 and 2020, established the Chinese Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis Research Institute, and serves as its President; Served as the Executive Chairman for the first "China Couple and Family Psychoanalysis Conference" in 2021;
2015年获得中国心理卫生协会颁发的“突出贡献奖”;2024年获国际催眠学会(ISH)颁发的“皮埃尔·让内临床卓越能力奖”。Received the "Outstanding Contribution Award" from the Chinese Association of Mental Health in 2015; Awarded the "Pierre Janet Clinical Excellence Award" by the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH) in 2024.
专业方向:德式行为、临床催眠、伴侣与家庭咨询、危机管理、创伤干预、自我状态疗法Professional Focus: German-style behavior therapy, clinical hypnosis, couple and family counseling, crisis management, trauma intervention, and self-state therapy.
Bernhard TrenkleBernhard Trenkle
国际催眠学会(ISH)前任主席、常务理事,前任德国催眠学会主席,德国Rottweil催眠治疗学院院长。Former President and Executive Director of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), former Chairman of the German Society of Hypnosis, and Dean of the Rottweil Hypnosis Therapy Academy in Germany.
美国米尔顿·艾利克森基金会理事会成员,是国际催眠学术界的著名人物,授课最具艾利克森风格、并因理论与实操并举而深受欢迎。同时,他还是多届国际催眠大会主席和组织者。Member of the Board of Directors of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation in the United States, a renowned figure in the international hypnosis academic community, known for his teaching style that embodies the essence of the Ericksonian approach and is highly popular for its combination of theory and practical application. He has also served as the chair and organizer for multiple international hypnosis conferences.
1999年获得美国米尔顿·艾利克森基金会颁发的终身成就奖,其撰写的书籍在多个国家以多种语言出版。In 1999, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Milton H. Erickson Foundation in the United States, and his books have been published in various countries in multiple languages.
国际临床催眠连续培训项目外方发起人,中国的艾利克森临床催眠研究院“国际科学顾问委员会”主席,首届和第二届中国临床催眠大会的外方主席。Initiator of the International Clinical Hypnosis Continuous Training Program, Chairman of the "International Scientific Advisory Board" of the Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis Research Institute in China, and the foreign chair for the first and second China Clinical Hypnosis Conferences.