第二届亚洲临床催眠大会The 2nd Asian Congress of Clinical Hypnosis
暨第三届中国临床催眠大会and the 3rd Chinese Congress of Clinical Hypnosis
联结 · 合作 · 共同成长Connection · Collaboration · Co-Growth
中国 北京China Beijing
2025年7月10-14日July 10-14, 2025
欢迎辞Welcome Address
为进一步推动亚洲尤其是中国临床催眠领域的专业化与规范化发展,增进国际与区域间的学术交流,第二届亚洲临床催眠大会暨第三届中国临床催眠大会将于2025年7月11日至13日在中国北京隆重举行。本次大会将邀请数百位来自亚洲、欧美等世界各地催眠领域的顶尖专家与学者,包括国际催眠学会(ISH)前任、现任、候任主席及常务等在国际催眠治疗领域享有盛誉的专家。他们将与国内及亚洲催眠学者共同探讨临床催眠的最新进展与未来趋势。In order to further promote the professionalization and standardization of clinical hypnosis in Asia, particularly in China, and to enhance academic exchanges between international and regional communities, the 2nd Asian Congress of Clinical Hypnosis and the 3rd Chinese Congress of Clinical Hypnosis will be grandly held in Beijing, China, from July 11th to 13th, 2025. The conference will invite hundreds of top experts and scholars in the field of hypnosis from Asia, Europe, America, and around the world, including former, current, and incoming presidents of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), as well as executive members who are highly esteemed in the field of international hypnosis therapy. They will join with domestic and Asian hypnosis scholars to discuss the latest advancements and future trends in clinical hypnosis.
大会内容涵盖与催眠现象相关的文化议题、催眠的神经生理机制等基础研究、催眠理论技术的新发展、催眠伦理、家庭催眠、儿童青少年催眠、催眠+各心理治疗流派、催眠+危机干预、催眠+压力管理、催眠+不同领域(牙科、生殖等医学领域,体育竞技,教育培训等)、催眠+新兴数字科技(VR、AI等)等多学科主题。大会期间将举办会前、会后工作坊,主题报告、研讨会、催眠督导、各流派论坛及嘉宾对话等多种活动形式,以满足不同专业领域与学术需求的参会者。The conference will cover a range of topics related to the phenomenon of hypnosis, including cultural issues, basic research on the neurophysiological mechanisms of hypnosis, new developments in hypnosis theory and techniques, hypnosis ethics, family hypnosis, hypnosis for children and adolescents, hypnosis integrated with various psychological therapy schools, hypnosis in crisis intervention, hypnosis for stress management, hypnosis in different fields (such as dentistry, reproductive medicine, sports, education, and training), and hypnosis combined with emerging digital technologies (like VR, AI, etc.). During the conference, pre- and post-conference workshops, keynote speeches, seminars, hypnosis supervision, forums of various schools, and guest dialogues will be held to meet the professional and academic needs of participants.
根据国际催眠学会的伦理要求,本次大会将继续只招收从事心理工作、临床催眠的专业人员及心理健康相关产业(心理测评、图书、仪器设备、软件硬件等)从业人员参加。大会计划为催眠爱好者特别安排大众场活动,欢迎社会各界人士的关注与参与。In accordance with the ethical requirements of the International Society of Hypnosis, this conference will continue to admit only professionals engaged in psychological work and clinical hypnosis, as well as those working in the mental health industry (psychological assessment, books, equipment, software, hardware, etc.). The conference plans to arrange public events for hypnosis enthusiasts, and welcomes the attention and participation of people from all walks of life.
我们诚挚邀请您预留时间莅临大会,共同见证催眠学术领域的前沿发展,期待您的到来!We cordially invite you to reserve time to attend the conference and witness the cutting-edge developments in the field of hypnosis academia. We look forward to your presence!
大会主席:方新President: Xin FANG
数百位来自亚洲、欧美等世界各地催眠领域的顶尖专家与学者云集。Distinguished experts and scholars from the hypnosis field, hailing from Asia, Europe, America, and beyond, convene at this prestigious event.
国际催眠学会(ISH)前任、现任、候任主席及常务等国际专家与会。Leadership from the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), including past, present, and future presidents, as well as executive committee members, join the gathering.
大会内容涵盖与催眠现象相关的文化议题、催眠的神经生理机制等基础研究、催眠理论技术的新发展、催眠伦理、家庭催眠、儿童青少年催眠、催眠+等多学科主题。The conference encompasses a diverse array of topics related to hypnosis, such as cultural aspects, foundational research into the neurophysiological mechanisms of hypnosis, advancements in hypnosis theory and techniques, ethical considerations, family hypnosis, hypnosis for children and adolescents, and multidisciplinary themes like "hypnosis plus".
大会工作坊、主题研讨会、一般学术研究诚意征稿,详情请见征稿通知,欢迎各位同道投稿交流!We cordially invite submissions for workshops, thematic discussions, and academic research presentations. For further information, please consult the call for papers. We encourage our esteemed colleagues to contribute and engage in this scholarly exchange!
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