亚洲临床催眠大会ACCH · 大会征稿Call for Papers
征稿要求Call for Papers
1本次大会接收未在国内外学术刊物上公开发表,以及未在国内外学术会议上报告过的原创性学术论文和案例报告摘要。The conference welcomes original academic papers and case report abstracts that have not been previously published in domestic or international academic journals, nor presented at domestic or international academic conferences.
2征文范围包括和临床催眠相关的研究、文献综述和临床实践,包括但不限于以下主题:The scope of the papers includes research, literature reviews, and clinical practices related to clinical hypnosis, including but not limited to the following topics:
  • 催眠相关文化议题Cultural issues related to hypnosis
  • 催眠现象、神经生理机制等基础研究Basic research on hypnosis phenomena and neurophysiological mechanisms
  • 催眠的理论和技术发展Development of hypnosis theories and techniques
  • 催眠伦理Hypnosis ethics
  • 临床催眠用于不同心理障碍(创伤、抑郁、焦虑、成瘾、心身疾病等)的干预Clinical hypnosis interventions for various psychological disorders (trauma, depression, anxiety, addiction, psychosomatic diseases, etc.)
  • 临床催眠用于不同人群(伴侣、家庭、不同年龄段儿童青少年、老年等)Clinical hypnosis for different populations (couples, families, children and adolescents of different age groups, the elderly, etc.)
  • 临床催眠用于医疗(牙科、生殖、消化、肿瘤、心脏、皮肤、护理、床边查房、医患沟通、中医等)以及其他领域(如体育竞技、心理健康教育、教育、法律、卫生疾控等)Clinical hypnosis in medical fields (dentistry, reproductive health, gastroenterology, oncology, cardiology, dermatology, nursing, bedside rounds, patient-doctor communication, traditional Chinese medicine, etc.) and other areas (such as sports, mental health education, education, law, public health and disease control, etc.)
  • 催眠+(催眠与各心理治疗流派的结合,精神分析、CBTs、DBT、正念、伴侣与家庭治疗、人本主义、后现代、格式塔疗法、舞动疗法、音乐疗法等)Hypnosis+ (the integration of hypnosis with various psychotherapy schools, psychoanalysis, CBTs, DBT, mindfulness, couple and family therapy, humanistic, postmodern, Gestalt therapy, dance therapy, music therapy, etc.)
  • 催眠+危机干预、压力管理Hypnosis+ crisis intervention, stress management
  • 催眠+新兴数字科技(VR、AI等)等多学科主题Hypnosis+ emerging digital technologies (VR, AI, etc.) and multidisciplinary themes
  • 催眠督导(用催眠来做督导,给催眠治疗的案例做督导)Hypnosis supervision (using hypnosis for supervision, supervising cases of hypnosis therapy)
3若提交案例报告,请务必遵守本行业领域的伦理守则。If submitting a case report, please ensure adherence to the ethical guidelines of the profession.
4本次大会接受中英文摘要,字数在500-1500字之间。摘要后请附中英文关键词3-5个。具体格式要求请参照文末论文模板。The conference accepts abstracts in both Chinese and English, with a word count between 500 and 1500 words. Please include 3-5 Chinese and English keywords after the abstract. For specific formatting requirements, please refer to the paper template provided at the end of the document.
5请在摘要中详细标明作者姓名、作者单位名称、职务、通信地址、邮政编码、电子邮箱。若有通讯作者,请以星号标注。Please clearly indicate the author's name, affiliation, position, mailing address, postal code, and email address in the abstract. If there is a corresponding author, please mark with an asterisk.
征稿类型Types of Submissions
1会中工作坊Workshops during the Congress
  • 大会开设会中工作坊,投稿人可申请组织,需提交大会学术委员会审核。The Congress will feature workshops that can be proposed and organized by applicants, subject to review by the Congress's Academic Committee.
  • 申请工作坊的组织者,需确定工作坊工作形式,提供简历,提交大会学术委员会审核。组织者应是本主题研究领域专家。Organizers applying for a workshop must determine the format of the workshop, provide their resumes, and submit them for review by the Academic Committee. Organizers should be experts in the research field of the workshop topic.
  • 涉及学术论文,组织者应收集该专题所有论文摘要,并集中完成在线投稿,报告者勿单独投稿。If the workshop involves academic papers, the organizer should collect all abstracts related to the topic and submit them collectively online. Presenters should not submit individually.
  • 每位专家最多可以组织或主持1个工作坊。Each expert is allowed to organize or lead a maximum of one workshop.
2主题研讨会/论坛Thematic Seminars/Forums
  • 大会开设主题研讨会,组织者应有副高级职称,需提供简历,提交大会学术委员会审核。组织者和主持人应是本专题研究领域专家。The Congress will offer thematic seminars, with organizers required to have the qualification of associate senior professional title, and must provide their resumes for review by the Academic Committee. Organizers and moderators should be experts in the research field of the seminar topic.
  • 申请专题研讨会需确定组织者和主持人,一个专题研讨会包含4—6篇相关学术报告。To apply for a thematic seminar, the organizer and moderator must be determined. A thematic seminar consists of 4-6 related academic presentations.
  • 每位专家最多可以组织或主持1个主题研讨会。Each expert can organize or moderate a maximum of one thematic seminar.
  • 每个主题研讨会不超过120分钟,每个报告时长约20—30分钟。Each thematic seminar should not exceed 120 minutes, with each presentation lasting approximately 20-30 minutes.
  • 主题研讨会由组织者收集该专题所有论文摘要,并集中完成在线投稿,报告者勿单独投稿。The organizer collects all abstracts related to the topic and submits them collectively online. Presenters should not submit individually.
  • 论坛组织要求及申请流程与专题研讨会相同。The organizational requirements and application process for forums are the same as for thematic seminars.
3一般征文General Papers
  • 凡是符合上述征文要求的稿件均可进行自由投稿参加大会口头报告和展贴报告。Any manuscript that meets the aforementioned submission requirements is eligible for free submission to participate in oral and poster presentations at the conference.
论文提交程序Paper Submission Procedure
1请务必通过指定邮箱提交论文摘要、工作坊简介、主题研讨会/论坛简介及工作坊/主题研讨会主持人个人简介,邮箱为:[email protected]Please ensure that all abstracts, workshop descriptions, thematic seminar/forum descriptions, and personal profiles of workshop/thematic seminar moderators are submitted via the designated email address: [email protected].
2提交论文时请统一使用word文档或PDF文档格式的附件。查看论文模板请点击文末左下方“阅读原文”。When submitting your paper, please use a Word document or PDF document format as an attachment. To view the paper template, please click on "Read the Original Text" at the bottom left of the document.
3请在邮件标题中注明“临床催眠大会论文投稿+投稿类型+作者姓名”字样。In the subject line of your email, please indicate "Clinical Hypnosis Conference Paper Submission + Type of Submission + Author's Name".
4投稿截止日期:2024年10月31日(大会将主要参考首批稿件决定大会每日议程)。The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2024 (The conference will primarily use the initial batch of submissions to determine the daily agenda of the conference)
审稿说明Peer Review Instructions
1大会学术委员会审稿专家组将对论文摘要进行筛选。The Congress's Academic Committee, consisting of a panel of experts, will screen the submitted abstracts.
2首批稿件是否被录用的反馈将于2024年12月31日前发出。Feedback on the acceptance of the initial batch of submissions will be sent out by December 31, 2024.
3稿件一经录用,需缴纳大会注册费方可在大会交流,未缴纳注册费者论文摘要将不被大会录用。Once a manuscript is accepted, the presenter must pay the conference registration fee to be included in the conference program. Abstracts from those who have not paid the registration fee will not be included in the conference proceedings